Today the beach at Ocean Park Avenue is filled with tables and banners for the Beach Brigade Walk-a-thon sponsored by APDA Los Angeles.
I'd never heard of it but learned that is is the LA chapter of the American Parkinson's Disease Association.
I need to pay attention: my grandfather died of Parkinson's disease, and that could be my fate too.
His mother and his cousin Walter also died of some combination of either Parkinson's or Alzheimer's.
If this illness is in your family tree too, get in touch with this group.
There's also the Parkinson's Action Network, which educates and lobbies government leaders for "better politices for research and an improved quality of life for people living with Parkinson's."
The second annual Pasadena Parkinson's Disease Symposium will take place on May 4 at San Marino Community Church with exhibits, presentations, and workshops.
Michael Gross of the television series Family Ties will be there. His co-star Michael J. Fox is the most prominent spokesperson for this illness.