Saturday, April 30, 2016

Danger Zone

My mother-in-law, age 93, is happy to be back in her own home after a hospitalization of a couple of weeks followed by nearly six weeks in a rehab place.

But the transition from hospital to rehab or skilled nursing is a danger-filled time, and the transfer to home care is likewise worrisome.  See this article in the Washington Post by Jordan Rau:

Medication errors can occur.  There's no longer a heart monitor or nurses nearby in case of emergency.

Usually the care-giving is transferred from a team to one person doing round-the-clock care and trying to sleep when the patient sleeps.  A tremendous responsibility rests on that one person's shoulders.

It's better if home care can be provided by several aides, each working an 8- or 10-hour shift, with days off each week.  But these things are expensive.  If the person has long-term care health insurance, it can take weeks to activate that policy to fund or partially fund the care.

"Old age is no place for sissies," said Bette Davis (1908-1989).

But my friend Brenda Holguin doesn't like to hear people complain about getting old.  

"Not everyone has that privilege," she notes.

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