Calling all unemployed, homeless, or other persons interested in earning a few bucks before Christmas!
You are invited to search Room 369 of Ocean View Assisted Living, Santa Irena, California, for a missing set of false teeth. This partial lower plate includes two molar teeth on each side of a pink plastic plate with a gold bracket on each side for securing it against the front ten teeth, which remain in the owner's mouth.
This lower plate has been missing since about 8:30 am, Thursday. Having ransacked the room, the family is becoming desperate to locate the teeth and avoid trips to the dentist to replace the plate.
Anyone with information or ideas is asked to call 1-800-MY-TEETH.
Note: Racquel, the weekend night caregiver, reports that Evelyn routinely takes her lower plate out at night and puts it under a pillow. Therefore, Racquel does not let her sleep with her false teeth in. The family will adopt this policy if and when the lower plate is located.
If you are not available to join in the search, your prayers would be much appreciated!
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